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Communication Power Supply 4890S


The LXPower4890S is specially designed to meet the demand for compact, flexible, high performance, high reliability power supply. The system consists of 1-3 units LXPower1800 high/standard efficiency rectifier modules of their mixture, a LX2000 monitor module, AC/DC distributors. 19 inches and 3U height standard structure adapts to various telecom cabinets and racks.


l Cost effective solution: high integrated power supply including rectifier modules, controller, lightning protection, distributions
l Easy maintenance: hot plug rectifier module and fully front-access maintenance system for wall against or corner mounting
l Advanced battery management improves battery lifespan, especially suitable for poor AC mains application
l Extreme wide input voltage: 85V~300V AC
l Extreme wide operation temperature: -30℃~+65℃
l High/standard efficiency rectifier modules are compatible
l 3U height compact design
l System rated capacity: -53.5V DC/90A
l Whole monitor ports, RS232/485/SNMP, dry contactors
l LCD display with a state-of-the-art interface allows simple and convenient local set up, control and remote monitor
l Design standards: IEC/EN60950
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Power Specifications
  Specification Remark
lnput voltage 85~300V/45~65Hz TN/TT grounding system
Output voltage -42-58.5V Nominal -53.5V
Rectifier power 1800W LXPower1800/1800M/1800H
Surge current capacity Nominal 20kA(8/20us), Max.40kA AC input surge protection
  / /


Mechanical Specifications
Parts Dimension/mm Weight/kg
Subrack 3Ux482.6x378 /
Rectifier module 40.5x106x298.5 1.7
Monitor 42.5x85x230 0.8
Battery chamber / /
Mounting 19" rack /


Operation Ambient
Item Specification Remark
Storage temperature -40~+70℃ /
Operation temperature -30~+65℃ /
Safety / According to EN60950 and IEC60950
Communication RS232+dry contact+SNMP /
Operation moisture 10~95% Non-condensing


System Configuration
Model    DC Capacity Rectifiers Monitor   Battery Access
LXPower4890S 48V/90A 1~3 units LX2000/LX2200 1 string


/ LXPower4890S Remark
AC input 32A/2P*1 /
Battery 63A/1P*1 /
DC output 16A/1P*2+32A/1P*3 LLVD standard configuration
/ 16A/1P*2+10A/1P*1 BLVD standard configuration

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